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The future has never looked older
The future has never looked older

Tyler Coburn

Ergonomic Futures

Nothing under the sun, no matter how unbelievable or fantastic, is immune to the pressures of evolution. Take science-fiction. The Force, the mind meld—the entire field of psionics, for that matter—have the look of yellowing comic books, the taste of stale popcorn. They would have gone the way of the dodo, if not for the magic of capital. Hollywood has proved to be more powerful than natural selection, building menageries in the form of franchises, gilding cages for endangered ideas....
Current Texts
About ‘how we treat the others’

Artur Zmijewski

About ‘how we treat the others’

  • Poland
  • documenta
  • migration
  • propaganda
  • political aesthetics
  • ethics
  • contemporary art
  • National Socialism
  • concentration camp
  • gift




Should we abandon the cosmopolitan idea?
Should we abandon the cosmopolitan idea?

Zairong Xiang (ed.)

minor cosmopolitan

Around the turn of the millennium, academics and politicians predicted that the world would grow together as one and that people would become less bound by national affiliations. Almost twenty years later, there is little left of this vision. This is not such a surprise when we consider that the cosmopolitan ideal (as articulated during the European Enlightenment) wholeheartedly embraced the promises of a globalising economy, yet has remained oblivious to, and even complicit with, capitalist exploitation, slavery, and colonialism....
  • art
  • globalization
  • cosmopolitics
  • politics
  • art theory